A Pleasant Enough Day
November 2, 2009 - 8:39am — Bastilion
All Hallows Eve has come and gone, but it would seem the festivities have yet to come to an end.
I awoke to snowfall, with giant dandelions taking the place of many of the forest's trees. And almost right away I found that Lady Amary was approaching. Not long after engaging in finding some amusement from the giant flora, we were joined by the presence of Darkweaver as well. Even Lady Kaoori made an appearance.
I could not help but notice, that the fawns I had seen, were retaining spells that had been cast upon them. It was as if they were indeed permanent.
It may be due to my curiosity being answered, but I found myself experiencing a second childhood, or more like third childhood if you will. I had taken on the form of a fawn once more. Only, I still carried the great antlers atop my head. How I could still carry them, I do not know. But soon, Lady Amary and even Darkweaver had become fawns as well!
The events that followed I can only describe as a lack of sanity on my part.

Though, unfortunately, the good mood found itself being rudely interrupted by the arrival of a stag I had seen before. The last time had been when the gods of this forest decided to grant night time. This one seemed...less than thrilled with Darkweaver's presence then. If both had been in top form, and I had not stepped in between to stare the other one down, I can bet my second life a fight may have broken out.
It seemed this situation wished to prove similar, but different, for neither was fatigued by wounds.
Quite an odd pelt that one was wearing as well, but I dared not laugh...though I wish the same could have been said for Darkweaver.
Lady Amary and I were forced give up our miniature forms to better act as shields. Our dark companion had not thrown any returning blows, but might have given the right motivation. This one proved persistent in trying to get by us, but we would not allow it.
His threats were even at one point directed at Amary!
For once, I wished to lower my antlers. I just barely beat back my rage. I do not know why it suddenly flared so much greater than usual...
The conflict only ended when it was brought close to Lady Kaoori. It seems this stag is...close to her. I do not know what to make of this, for I cannot decide who anyone may associate with.
Finally, the stag retreated. I may have heard the name "Wesker" muttered among the fray.
Was he not the one who had come back to life?
The rest of the night continued smoothly enough. I found that even without the form of a fawn, I was still acting rather...childish. This always seems to happen when I am in Lady Amary's presence.
And it would seem Lady Iendoe is no longer skittish around me. She probably does not remember my meeting her on that foggy day when I was still a fawn, but that is alright. Even after Darkweaver and Lady Amary had departed, she was not shaken by me. Though she did leave for a moment, saying she would be right back.
I believe I encountered a ghost briefly during this time. A fawn. Not the fawn, but a different one. Though they fled at the reappearance of Lady Iendoe. Odd that my huge antlers, even huge as a fawn, would not prove frightening, but she would...
Unexpectedly, a spell was thrown at me by the doe. I found that after being cast upon, that I was in the colors of Amary's fur.
I will admit I...did not bother to discard it, as I would have with another spell.
I do not know why I decided to keep it then...and continued to keep it until I departed the forest as well.
It would seem I have some thinking to do.
I remain,

"I'm sorry for running
Heee, cute fawns. <3
I like it. ^^
It was awesome being a
They're just ssooooo tiny and adorable, and they make everything else look huge!
Especially those giant candles, which were already monolithic to begin with.
he kept Amary's pelt, I find that amusing X3
huh, I didn't even notice Wesker directing threats at her ._.
Either that or I just don't remember.
main deer: Amary, Melinoe, Oisín
MINIES. 8D I wanna carry one
And now I must go to bed, as I got a weird look from my dad a few minutes ago. |D I don't know how to have Bast respond anyway. ^^; *fails*
*adds on to this*
My own characters amuse me often. X] *referring to the pelt thing*
And it looked like there were threats directed at her. Might've been rearing at Dark, but it was hard to tell, so this is how he interpreted it. Besides, it was after she went back to normal size, and with those antlers, I don't know. He might've thought she was a stag?
Wesker knows Amary. She's
I thought he was trying to squish Dark. X3
main deer: Amary, Melinoe, Oisín
X'D Yeah, it looked at
But his peacock appearance... X'D Dark couldn't take that seriously for a while there.
If it weren't for Bast and Amary, he probably would have fought, normal sized stag vs minifawn. |D But hiding under them and ankle-biting at Wesker was good enough. X''D
(I had a feeling sitting by Kaoori might make a less bloody end, too. 83)
Hehe, I liked it as well. ^^
Well, it looked like threats
And I knew about the pelt thing; I read that somewhere. =B Bast doesn't know though.
I don't know what this "many a reason" is (aside from the obvious), but Bast is gonna start telling the two to grow up and get over it. |D I even had him doing his "stare" at Dark to say "Don't. Do. Anything."
XD I knew about the peacock
XD And like I said earlier, Dark figured going to Kaoori would provide safety. Just because she and Wesker have a thing for eachother, doesn't mean to him that he has to make her an enemy. |D In fact they play together and are silly when Wes isn't there. XD Thing with him is... all does are better than him, and none are to be harmed, only befriended or sommat. |D
Lol I noticed the Bast stare too. XD That was the only point Dark used the fear emote... in response to Bast. 8'D
*backs down from the stare of doom, debating making a self defence statement like 'uh... I'm the one under attack'* 888| *dodges hoof*
And I've been trying to meet Nine all day yesterday. XD Been attacked for it twice for my efforts by over protective others. |D
*has a screenie of normal-fawn Dark being attacked by Bylah and another stag for who knows what, while wanting to meet the little guy, not even hostile. |D*
That's what that cower was
Bylah attacks almost anyone who doesn't get the hint to go away. 8D;
X'D Yush.
okay, I guess I'll
first off, LOL at the mention of the peacock pelt. xD; and the picture with Kaoori and all the minis cracks me up. xD
Kaoori was trying to be all ninja about watching the fight. ^^; ninjafail.
She has forgiven Darkweaver, but she still can't forget that he killed Wesker. And she does play with him. ^^; I dunno, to her, that's a reason for Wesker to still be mad.
I'm not trying to start a fight, honest. Please don't take it that way. x_x
I'm a little wolf inside a girl.
Lightbringer-apprentice to Yorres
Yea, that would be a reason
Well for the initial
But in his defence, Dark only killed Wesker because he was pushed over the edge from Wes ripping up Lagho's grave, more than once. |D