What has gotten into me?
September 22, 2009 - 5:44am — Bastilion
I am not quite sure why, but I found myself acting...not myself this night. Acting much more lively than usual. "Hyper" even.
I cannot even blame the shield-like mask I wore, for I was behaving strangely before choosing to wear it.
In fact...I seem to act this way mostly when around Lady Amary.
I tread on a subject I nothing of once again.
She was standing much closer again as well. Closer even than the last time we met. And I willingly allowed it. Content at her proximity even.
I can imagine Cousin teasing me this very moment.
Would speaking of this with him if possible even be wise?
I am unsure if I could even bring myself to do so.
I suppose...I shall figure this out eventually, as I have with the other mysteries of this forest...
I remain, growing steadily confused,

(okay, I was AGAIN laughing
I'm a little wolf inside a girl.
Lightbringer-apprentice to Yorres
^^ Amary probably would have
Amary probably would have actually been content to just stand there with Bastilion, if Kaoori hadn't showed up. She's begun to feel more calm around him lately (so they have the opposite effect on each other, it seems X3 ). But Kaoori always brings out her hyper side.
main deer: Amary, Melinoe, Oisín, Hope
8'D How'd I miss this
@Kaoori: Deer Kart train was
@Paz: It's a balance then. 8]
He was trying to keep his antlers away during that standing there bit. XD It's why his head kept turning away. Sometimes he hates having them. XD; There was actually a passing thought of how he wouldn't mind not having antlers at all.
@Zerg: I don't know? XD;
Glad he approves. =B I am determined to bring in he-who-I-mentioned-before now. 8]
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
ROFL I wish I could turn
Also, Kaoori tends to bring out the hyper side in a LOT of deer.. ROFL!
I'm a little wolf inside a girl.
Lightbringer-apprentice to Yorres
Hyper goooood. 8D There is a
There is a way to turn using the keyboard, but I've never gotten it to work, even when explained to me. Besides, using that method, if you go off someone's screen and come back on it, you're no longer sit-sliding to them. I think of using a controller (what I do) as "true" sit-sliding while turning. Just don't stop, or you stand up.
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
[color=purple]Aegle smiles
YES. I APPROVE x1,000,000
Oh, but he doesn't really
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."