This is...quite odd.
September 13, 2009 - 3:40am — Bastilion
I find myself being surprised by this Forest for the first time in awhile. I had thought I had learned all of its secrets. All of its ways. Even figured out my most confusing of close companions.
I find myself revoking those words, for I have been caught off guard by some things unexpected.
I found Darkweaver nearby at the Ruins, seeming to be laying poppies upon each grave. An act of repentance for his recent deeds perhaps? He would not say.
Soon, though, we found ourselves in the company of Lady Amary. It has been awhile since I have encountered her cheerful self. But onto the first of the strange events I mentioned..
Not long after a large grouping of deer began to gather, my dark companion seemed to revert in age. Right before my eyes, he took on the form of a cowering fawn. Taken aback, I did not know what to make of this. After a moment, I assumed it was similar to the other times I had seen him take on another form, even calling himself by a different name. Multiple personalities I believe it is called.
Perhaps I will inquire about this transformation later.
It was not too much later that we were led away from the Ruins by Lady Amary, to this gathering of stones near the edge of the birch. It seems quite familiar. I believe I have visited this same grouping of rocks once before. On the last dawn I think.
Dark had remained as a fawn even now. Yes, that was strange.
But this.
This is...quite odd.
I do not know what to react at this moment as I write this.
I am sure that before he took his leave, my dark friend took also notice of the lady being in closer proximity than normal.
I wonder what Cousin would have thought of this.
How I wish I could speak with him...
He would probably know more than I. As it is, I am ignorant of the ways of women.
And do not think I did not hear what you uttered before departing, Darkweaver.
I remain, somewhat confused,

(Can't you just hear him going, "You are not helping the situation here!" at Dark? XD)
O.O that.....was....dark?
X'D Yep, Dark sliped into a
I thought it was related to
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
XD safear was like is that
XD actually that part in the
but that does give the fawn form a name, yes. 83
I thought that's what it
"So his name's Orion then!" <-my thought at the time of reading it.
It's also why I thought the fawn another alternate personality, meant to represent the young Darkweaver. With him, you never know. |D
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
XD that's what I was going
Yeah I was thinking the same
Amary is a bit confused, too, but by her own feelings. |3
It was freaking adorable when they were both asleep by each other. ^^
deer: Amary, Melinoe, Oisín, Maera, Andras
XD; I was typing this up
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
XD Well nevertheless it was
I had actually gone away for a bit, I think.
deer: Amary, Melinoe, Oisín, Maera, Andras