July 19, 2009 - 2:58am — Bastilion
Chaos. Insanity.
Words that cannot best describe what I came across after I awoke. I had wandered down to the pond, but the constant calls of deer masks caught my curiosity, causing me to divert my route. What I found, were three stags, dancing in a row. That was not odd on its own. What was odd about them was, they were all dressed the same.
...and my friend Darkweaver was among them.
I could not help myself in showing amusement before joining in their dance along with the other deer they had drawn the attention of, though I kept to my true look rather than partake of their "cloning".
I soon found myself assisting my dark companion in regaining his antlers, as he had lost them for the "clone party". That same doe I had met a few times, including a bit the other day, came upon us. She has proven to be a lively one, trying to get me to join in play of some sort. It is odd for me, as I have not really played much since my previous life's childhood, but I go along with it eventually.
Especially since it really does prove to be entertaining.
Such as the antics I found myself joining on this day.
This...air-sitting, as it is called... Though last time had been in my fawnhood, in a weeping willow tree.
Soon, even Dark was in the air with us. The dancing of before was now moved to a full-grown stag's height off the ground. I swear my voice almost returned then, wanting to add to the shouts of joy as we danced.
But, as all things do, it came to an end.
The white pelt of the Twin Gods began to be cast very near to us, and while I have no qualms against it, it was clear my dark companion was not comfortable with it. He fled, myself soon following, and soon after, that lively doe. Glancing back at the group we had vacated proved that the casting of the devout pelt would not be ending any time soon, so, at Darkweaver's signal to follow him, we were off to the Ruins, sneaking past the casting group with enough distance not to get hit ourselves. I made sure to stay at the back to see the others get to our destination alright.
It was there Dark had to bid us his farewell though, leaving us two remaining.
That doe decided to run off as well, or so I thought, for I found her rather close by, attempting to persuade another doe that was very familiar to come closer. I knew who this was, though not her name. She was one who is pale of pelt, that I met once while I was but a fawn, during the thick fog that last shrouded the forest. She did not seem to remember me, and for that I do not blame her. I appear very different than when I was but a small fawn. These antlers can be enough to scare anyone off alone.
At the lively doe's encouragement, I was slowly able to approach the skittish one, getting close enough to bow to show I meant no harm. We were almost close enough for a proper greeting, when another chose that moment to run up, spooking her away, much to our grief. Sadly, the doe that remained informed me she must leave as well.
I am not pleased with what followed this. I will just say I was close to losing my temper with that same deer who had run over, failing to understand that I did not want a mask over my face. They even attempted to attack a fawn, for no reason at all. Not once did I fight, though, but my nerve was surely at its closest to snapping at that point. Once I made the message clear I would not allow fighting, they continued with their relentless casting of mask after mask. I was only able to halt this by running to the crying waterfall to gain the red pelt. I knew it would keep spells from being cast, and this finally got that one to leave me be.
My temper cooled from a short nap, after which I found that deer had left the forest. I will never understand some beings.
Though I am probably difficult to understand myself, without use of a voice.
I wonder...if my voice does fully return soon, will I even be able to use it? It has been many years since I have last spoken, and even then, I did not say more than was needed.
I suppose I will find out if and when the time comes. For now, I will wait.
I remain, not as silent, but still heard,

I say Bast's loss of voice
Do you know who that deer was that frightened off Iendoe? I think I had met that one before, though now I can't seem to remember what the picto was like. It's a shame...Amary was really disappointed that deer had to come and ruin everything right at the critical moment, just as she was sure Iendoe was going to let Bastilion get close to her. She's never been angry before, but I think she may have gotten close that time. I would have stuck around longer, but it was time for dinner.
Anyway, Amary was really happy to see Bast again. She really enjoys his company, even though it always takes some encouragement to get him to play. But, that actually intrigues her, and she finds it kind of amusing when he acts confused about what she's doing. X3
Oh yes, if you don't mind, I'll be adding this to Amary's profile.
Nueva Paz
Just call me Paz.
deer: Amary, Melinoe
Eh, it probably is. XD I
That deer that came by was the "Ocean-picto-lookalike" I think. And...they're the one that pushed Bast's temper. >.> I still don't know what they were trying to do. If they wanted a mask, they were going about asking the wrong way. But I highly doubt that's what they were doing.
Anyway... Bast actually likes Amary's company as well. He finds it interesting how she's so..."lively" as he puts it. XD He's never seen anyone so hyper, aside from a few fawns.
EDIT: Feel free to add any entry that involves her. =]
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Oh, yeah, that's right. I
lol XD I wouldn't say Amary is hyper, exactly. She just loves to play and hasn't quite grown out of the fawn mentality yet (though she is gradually maturing). But she can be very calm and quiet when the situation calls for it.
Nueva Paz
Just call me Paz.
deer: Amary, Melinoe
I highly doubt it, cuz he
And I have other deer who are like that.
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Hmm, I dunno. They seemed
Oh, yeah, I think Amary met Scape once.
Nueva Paz
Just call me Paz.
deer: Amary, Melinoe