notes of the song

Kohva's picture
This is just a development blog for this thing I now call Yuu (or Fluffy).


quite basic childhood personality traits for now: curious, pushy, cuddly
- "shuts down" when surprised/confused/doesn't know how to react

Things learned
- burrowing into long fur, hair and feathers is cozy
- others are warm and cozy and soft, nice to be really close to
- magic??? how???
- hey, walking is kinda nice - but so slooooow....
- water is quite okay?

Places discovered
- triangle made of trees with lots of grass in the middle; favorite spot, good place to sleep
- Twin Gods hill: big leaves and funny white rocks, good place to hide
- Flower patches: smell good, nice to play and sleep in
- The Playground: ...
- The Crying Idol: scary? Doesn't live but still cries?

Words & gestures learned
- you sniff a new things and creatures
- you also sniff older things and creatures
- bowing seems to be a thing to do when meeting somebody - sniffing is still nicer though

Creatures met
(listing only those I remember for sure. 8I)
In-forest: Nimh, Ben...
RP: Ashe


- I want some conflict >8I
- has potential to learn magic
- Epithets: the white fawn/child, the jade-eyed, the kirin-kin
- Shika+Kirin+Otoroshi?