The night is trying to take me...

The sun is swallowed by the moon
The clouds are fighting with the stars
Something has ordered their greatness
To bring me down with coward's scars
Someone knows where I am weak
A night of darkness
Only one
They've set me back where I belong
I can feel the life's breath fading
And I am alone
Will soon be gone
They've taken away
All friends can't help me
Everything that I hoped to have

You do not deserve...

And I cannot believe I'm hearing

You are a murderer..."

But I've done nothing wrong

And will do nothing right...

Where had I come from?
They must know

Who is this they you speak of?

You...the Gods? Is it you?


Is it?

Venting kitty is about to smash Picasa to bits and just use Aviary (-_-*)

*Huggles the Soko'* >.>;

*Huggles the Soko'* >.>; <3

I really like the beginning. :3


Thanky-you <3

Edit: It was one tiny mistake I fixed, sry people:'p