My fawn's stories.

J0ker's picture
Joker is the oldest in this little family of fawns.
Then, Reply came, and Mustang is the youngest.

Joker's story:
Joker opened her eyes, and saw a Doe walked away from her. Joker tried to stand up, but her legs were too long and thin. She moo'ed at the Doe, but she didn't stop walking away against the big sun. Did she just want to leave her there?
She tried to get up again, and made it for a while. But she couldn't walk yet. Her mother had to help her, but she wasn't there! Joker tried and tried, but falled everytime. She moo'ed one more time, and she saw someone come walking slowly against her. The deer had big antlers and brown pelt. Joer thought that had to be her father, so she tried to get up again, took three steps and falled down. The Stag just looked at her, and suddenly he smiled. He helped her up again and some hours later, she could take more than three steps. The Stag ran away, and Joker was all alone.. again. The Doe was gone too. Joker was sad, and walked the way she thought her mother had gone. Suddenly she heard a fawn playing. It reared and danced, and Joker was watching. She had no choice. She couldn't walk any longer, because the Stag just learned her to take more than three steps.. wich was seven steps. Well, she met another fawn, and they sat together 'til it was evening and the fawn had to run to his family. "Should wish I could run just like that..", she thought, and then she falled at sleep.
Early in the morning, she woke up by hearing two fawns playing. She ran to the and.. Wait! Ran!? She could run! But how? She didn't really want to think about that now, now she wanted to play!
She met the two fawns and they got friends with eachother. More than friends actually. Now they were more like a family. And Joker couldn't be more happy!
Reply's story:
Reply woke up and noticed that his brother was lying next to him, but the parents didn't.
He got up and walked a few steps, before he falled down. His brother wasn't awake yet.
After some practicing, Reply finaly learned how to walk. He woke up his brother and tried to learn him too. But his brother couldn't do more than standing there. Reply walked outside to play and moo'ed at the butterflies flying over him in the sky. The sky was blue and the sun shined. It was beautiful. Reply tried to fly like the butteflies by jumping around like a crazy bunny. But when he was tired of playing with them, he found out that he just scared them away. He learned to run too after playing alone outside the old Oak he lived in. He was happy and suddenly he saw another fawn. It was a female, and she hadn't learned to walk right.
They sat together until the evening came and Reply had to run. He looked at the female fawn who was so tired and falled asleep. Reply couldn't sleep now, he had to learn his brother both how to walk and run. It was a long night, ut finaly he made it, and they ran out to play and eat grass. The fawn was still sleeping, but she woke up when she heard Reply and his brother playing hide and seek and other games. The fan ran to them, but suddenly she stopped and looked at her long and thin legs. She looked weird. Reply and his brother looked at eachothers and then they looked at the female fawn jumping around and running in circles. "What's wrong with her?", he asked his brother. The brother didn't answer. Finaly she stopped and she looked very happy. After that, the three fawns played together, and the feeled like a famliy.
Mustang's story:
He feeled that his brother was pushing his back. ustang couldn't walk yet, but his brother could. How did he do that? Did Mustang skip it? His brother tried to help, but Mustang was mad because his brother already could walk.His brother left Mustang alone and went outside playing with some butterflies. He looked really stupid.. Mustang tried to stand up, but his feet didn't move. "What? Am I glued to the floor?", he asked himself and continued sitting there. He watched his brother trying to fly. He was so lucky! He could actually fly now too. Mustang was sad. He couldn't walk yet and thought everybody else could. He was the only one who couldn't walk or run or fly like the butterflies.. or anything like that. He falled asleep. Later he woke up, because his brother came running into the Oak. He was looking at a female fawn he had played with. After that fawn falled asleep, Mustang's brother helped him up, and four hours after midnight, he could both walk and run and fly like the butterfly. At eight o'clock in the morning, they went out to play together for the first time. And the female fawn came too. "I knew I was the only one who couldn't walk or run!.. or fly like butterflies!", Mustang moo'ed. The female was so happy, like she had filmed an U.F.O on a videoclip! They played together all three and started acting as a family.

I know most of you haven't even been thinking about reading the stories, but anyways.. I just edited the stories and tried to make them better.