Matliif - Emotive Language

Matliif's picture
Just thought I would do a list of what actions and such normally mean coming from Matliif ('Cause I'm not really the best at reading these emotes correctly, but I'm getting better!)


  • Approaching a group a bit + lying down - Is interested in joining the group or what they are doing, but is too shy to walk right up
  • Roaring - Matliif is a normally quiet stag and will almost never roar unless he is calling someone
  • Roaring straight at someone - This would normally be to get someone's attention. Sometimes if he is glad to see someone he will roar at them and then dance a few steps or run in a circle around them. It is often used for someone he hasn't seen in a long time, or someone he is genuinely glad to see.
  • Roaring at someone + Anger/Taunt - It would be very rare to see him get angry at someone or want to fight them, but if he ever did, this would be that.
  • Standing near someone/Laying next to someone who is sitting or sleeping - This will normally be what he does when someone he sees as a friend sits or lays down, or if he discovers one sleeping in the forest. He will approach them and sit next to them, or somewhere nearby, to see if they are going to wake up.
  • Neck rubbing on someone - Sometimes a show of affection or greeting, showing that he wants to be friends or get to know someone. If it is preceded by a bow + submissive action, it could be an apology or to comfort another.
  • Rubbing on trees - He does this alot, as a bad habit.
  • Sniffing someone - His normal greeting.
  • Sniffing someone + head tilt - Basically asking someone, "Are you okay?" or "How are you?"
  • Hopping around in circles - Just his favorite pastime. Don't worry, he's not going insane.
  • Hopping after someone + backing up + headtilt - Wondering if he should or could follow someone.


To be completed later