
Age-2 years.
Has no male.
Very little growth-60cm.

Very strange doe,with a peculiar character,by itself it is not very kind to others and prefer to be alone.
Loves quiet and prefers to sit somewhere in a quiet meadow surrounded by forest and observe the surrounding nature.
Has dark fur,but the white chest,the edges of the breast with two sides, black stripes on the back too, two strips:one purple shimmers,and the other dark green.The mask is in the form of the skull and very small-barely noticeable horns.
In fact omnivorous,but prefers to feed on cones and berries.Occasionally may change their menu.
Unfortunately,due to the very complex nature,Loli has very few friends.It is very difficult to find an individual who is spiritually similar to themselves.
But its main quality-it is a very honest,affectionate,and most importantly-always remains itself.
lisa.zombie's picture

Curious Track.

Curious Track.
wisegreenman's picture

