~:Lithos and Aurum:~ I've revealed them!

Hubalaboo's picture
Stone? No, stone does not die. But stone becomes worn, and shatters, and fades away, as the elements wear at it and turns it into dust. Stone does not die, and instead returns to the earth, returns to its mother as the dust and the smallest grains of sand, and someday again comes together, to be stone.


Gold? No, gold does not die. But gold becomes hot, and melts, and fades away, as the world's light wears at it and turns it into earth. Gold does not die, and instead returns to the earth, returns to its mother as the deepest light in the darkest, and someday again comes together, to be gold.


I now give anyone the permission to play as them! They shouldn't be just mine; they're of the Forest itself. Feel free to wander as Aurum, and Lithos.

Username: AurumLithos
Password: goochyauli

Play as them however you like, but if you really want to know, their sets are:
Aurum: Golden pelt, trumpet antlers, and optional Spirit mask - #E8CD00
Lithos: Silver pelt, kirin antlers, and optional Spirit mask - #404044


(I know there are other deer like this, that anyone can play; Anzel's 'Stagg' community deer, and a... tophat deer...? Or something..? xD; )