life goes in cycles

just like bicycles.


i played with my rats today and it was wonderful. i do love my little girls, my little babies. Boo is such a little sweet-heart and i love her curley whiskers, and Tink is just hilarious to watch.

~ Pan

As the forest and my fellow Deer ready themselves for the All Hallow's Eve celebration I can feel an electricity in the air. Every day as I wonder I will find that wall of fog, and can hear the bats flittering above me, and hear their almost imperceptible language of squeaks and squeals. The Big Zombie Deer, that God of Death, is always asleep when I find Him, but I know that soon He shall awaken and we shall celebrate Death - and in a circular way, Resurrection, as well.

The velvet on my antlers is, for the second time in my life, shedding, and my antlers itch something aweful. As well, I'm feeling antsy. I'm wishing I had another Stag to compete with - not to harm, but to release all this energy.

Maybe, some day, competition will be allowed by the Twins.
