Kanta's Bio

Kanta Alaraqui's picture
Full name: Kanta Alaraqui
Date of Birth: June 22, 2008
Gender: Doe

Personality: Kanta is a rather playful fawn, enjoying running, jumping, playing such as all fawns generally do. However she is rather shy around large groups of deer(especially mature does and stags), and is known to hide and cower when in such situations. She usually plays alone but is prone to hiding out and watching other deer play.

Background: Having no parents and being as young and new as she is, Kanta is not all too sure as to where she came from, but she knows she is not a native child of the forest. Knowing that, she tends to seclude herself from others, but does wish very much that she had a companion to play with.

[Bio is pretty crummy, but as Kanta grows she will remember more of her origin and come more into her own. This is just a little quickie bio to give a general idea of her.]