Hello Hello where did the time go?

Brightredskies's picture
Translated into clear english for your convenience! - BRS

Diary 2 of the mourning dove.

"I have never been one to be that interested in the time of year known as the 'rut' though I don't oppose having does follow me about I am simply not a good enough fighter to keep them.

Plus I really don't enjoy the pain of another stag's antlers clashing with my own, which are very small.

I much prefer to follow rather than lead, be protected rather than protect, and be impressed rather than impress.

I am not an impressive creature.

However, I am glad that Saint has not been around, I can't imagine how clingy he would be at this time considering how he acts even when not rutting.

he scares me.

After the first few does I met left me without so much as a chance I, admittedly, did rather give up.

I am not one to try to do something when I am not even especially interested.

I rested for a while, I am often doing that, resting, I just always feel so tired.

I met him soon after that, large red stag with a skull for a face.
Maybe some would have found it frightening, but, I am not one to judge by first glance.

He was friendly, it was nice to not have to fight.
So I resigned myself from it all, and allowed my legs to carry me after him where he led.

I think I shall just stay right here at his side until all of this blows over."