Inuyasha1141's picture
Happy 4th Of July Everyone!!
halogen's picture

8D Happy 4th! Well, here


Happy 4th!
Well, here it's the 5th now... xD
Wolf Cub of Light's picture

Enjoy yourself, all you

Enjoy yourself, all you Americans! Smiling

There were fireworks outside our house.... which was suprising, being in the south of England. But I think some Americans moved in there, so that makes sense.
Emiva's picture


Laughing out loud FREEDOM!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim
Inuyasha1141's picture

It's the fith now TwT I MISS

Never seen eyes glowing green
howls at night giving people their worst fright and fears
Gardian and leader of the Black Bloods
I am Swiftkil1141
you can find me at www.WolfQuest.org

Pets name: Inuyasha
Adopt your own!

Clicky on him to see my other pets
WonderfullySarcastic's picture

Is that the view you had?

Is that the view you had? Cause that would rock! And I like how you made the trees and grass like sillohetes (?) instead of giving them color ^^ Very nice
Inuyasha1141's picture

No i saw mine from my roof

No i saw mine from my roof in AZ Tuscon
Never seen eyes glowing green
howls at night giving people their worst fright and fears
Gardian and leader of the Black Bloods
I am Swiftkil1141
you can find me at www.WolfQuest.org

Pets name: Inuyasha
Adopt your own!

Clicky on him to see my other pets
WonderfullySarcastic's picture

I've never watched fireworks

I've never watched fireworks from a roof, is it awesome???? lol I didn't watch any of the big -works, just watched some people were setting off around our neighborhood and set some off in our driveway XD One flew under the car, one onto our neighbor's roof (next to us), one flew across the street to those neighbor's driveway, and a bunch flew into the trees XD Then we set firecrackers off in the front of our dirveway, it looked like snow fell just on that part of the drive XD It was funny! Not to mention we were doing this with no lights on and a cop passed us once while we were holding onto a bottle rock that was illegal lmao ^^" So we quit for the night lol