
Blackhoof's picture


This was the very first time I had seen a fog. And least from what I remember. I wasn't frightened, nor did I feel the same chill my brother may feal. But instead I felt comfort. But however, I suppose being with my brother has even turned me, the most happy of souls into a slow, downtrodden doe. And for reasons I am unsure of? I don't think it's a stag that is missing in my life, and I do not think it is only the ups and downs of my brother.

I think it's pitty. I don't know for who, or what. Maybe it's myself, or maybe it's someone else but in a way I do feel sorry for someone. My once strong apathy to sorrow I suppose for once in a sort time turned on me? In a way I know in my gut I shouldnt't feal sorry, but I do. And I also feel bad about it in strang ways? I can't actually write it, or say it to anyone, and I definatlly don't know what you would call it. It's like a bottum less hole almost, and it's strange.

...But, any way. To me the fog isn't as spooky as it turns out to be. I've seen scary things than wolves and such. It's better to live in fog than in darkness ....

I remember two deer running in the backround of the fog...one I had seen before, the
other simi familiar. Just a little signature part of my day, no?

... I feel sick ....