Different Anna

My life had changed not that it was ever normal before,but still a great loss has come to me at the age of 17.
My father died,just a week ago,his death was sudden.He was riding through a cannon durring a rain storm and the rocks slid due to the mud.Tragic in many ways my father was the only person I was close to besides my horse Midnight.

Sure I had a mother and a sister,but both were caught up in the useless commands of society.To be truthfull,we were not of any rank per say.We are merely humble workers in on a farm in North Dakota.Since my father's death the ranch assistance has had to take over,of course approaching my mother to make sure she aggreed with what she was doing.

One might as well be talking to a cow on how to raise eggs.My sister was no better than my mother.She had curly locks of raven hair,with emerald green eyes,she often reminds me how my gold long hair and blue eyes are dull in camparison.Not that I care much,since I sneak out of the house early in the morning.

It's a hard thing to bare with father know gone.Mother has even become even more hell bent on turning me into what she deems a proper lady.Granted we are still in late 1700's but here in America one would think such rules would be altered.
But no corsets,the abominations that cut off your air supply and make you look stiff,but off soo sickly skinny,still seemed to be in fashion.It's difficult to evens speak seeing that I am female.
My mother's philosphy on women are rather dull,are opinions are meaningless,and are affections are restricted.

Father tried to keep me from such things,he saw my desire to be free,unlike my sister Mary who followed my mother like a puppet and did her bidding.Father taught me how to ride,and even saw fit to school well past the courses a girl would.He would take my mother's nagging in strides and would persuade her that she already had one daughter that fitted her needs for social demands.They attended to balls and other sort of social callings,such things that I rarely attented to.

I was't raised like a girl,but not necassarily like a boy either,it seemed father knew best for me.He always seemed to understand and care for me.

I feel as if I have let him down in some way.I think to myself as I look at my reflection.I'm decked in my best dress at least it was my favorite color blue.A corset as well and my shoes well one could not really see them under the skirt.I looked so fragile so unlike myself,father always told me women were strong but they never showed it.But I did with my fearless nature excapt for know.