SoundStar's blog

Twin Terrors?

I have seen. The creepiest twinnies. Ever.
I plan on getting a screenie. Do not have.
But they have the Zombie-looking pelts, red antlers, skull heads. They look exactly the same.
Imma TRY REALLY HARD to explain their picto things. Since I don't know their users.
Twin A- A box thing with a dot over it and a line in the middle and to the side. Like a Box-and-Whisker plot?
Twin B- A sort of @ cut in half. :/
Anyone know who they are?
And sorry for posting two things so close to eachother. I HAD TO FIGURE THIS OUT GUYZ. ;n;

I finally mustered up the courage

Hallo. :I I'm new in Endless Forest and already made some in game friends. Some of you may have seen my character before (She's a fawn still. 3 days, ugh).
Well, I decided to tell you guys about my character. :3 I'm usually running around near the Pond (Or hopping about in it. Or sleeping next to sleeping people. Or harassing people with my friend. Laughing out loud).
Name: Zylix
Age: Fawn, 3 days (;n; -is impatient-)
Gender: Female
Pelt: She varies. :/ Usually she's seen with a (OBNOXIOUS, usually) pair of antlers. >:I For some reason, while others give their fawn-friends or babies a pelt color or a certain mask, no. I get bony appendages.
Friends: Unnamed fawn. Sticking out tongue We run around and stalk people, so be willing to join in that fun.
Picto: Its... Its hard to explain ;n;. Kind of like a V with a line through it, and then a sideways T with a leaf underneath. XC I have no available picture.
Well, I'm always willing to RP with you guys. C: So if anyone wants to help me find a way to make a certain game fun with a friend, I'm willing to join a herd (I see a lot of those Laughing out loud), and I'm usually the one to be the only fawn caught up in one of those stampede things.
I also don't mind Forum RolePlaying. I will most likely always play as my Forum character, Tavi, unless I decide different. XD
THIS IS SO. LONG. Sorry guys. Sticking out tongue Imma try and draw a pic of both Zylix and Tavi, though it will NOT look good. At all.
See you in the forest :3
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