ocean's blog

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Gift for Crucible.

This is for Crucible. Hope you like it. Didn't know how else to reach you. xD I went with the last set I saw him in, since it seems your deer doesn't have a particular set.

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Spelldata request? ^^'-Candle antlers

Would anyone be willing to send me the spelldata for candle antlers? I could try and color one of my tiny adopt things for one of your deer. ^^ (Be forewarned: They may burn your eyes. xD).

And I'll also give you a virtual cookie. *sets out plate of chocolate chip cookies*

(Bumping so this can be seen. x3)
ocean's picture

Dreams and Nightmares

They say dreams reveal things about oneself. They say that dreams have a meaning, something deeper than what appears on the surface. Perhaps, though, dreams are just dreams; an escape from reality for some, a return to it for others.

The Priest
The red stag twitches in his sleep, dreaming of darkness clutching and reaching out for him. It gains on him, no matter how fast he can run. Just as it's about to catch him, it disappears. Before him is a scene of pure light and beauty.

A child runs through the courtyard of a large church, happily dancing around, poking at things with a little stick. The midday sun shines down on him, highlighting the lighter colors of his hair. The child is happy for a bit before he has to go back, back to that boring place where he has to learn “proper behavior”. He trips, then gets up and laughs, smiling.

He stops smiling when a taller figure strides past. The taller one looks down on the little boy disapprovingly.

“At it again, Merevin? You're here to learn manners. This is not a playground.” The taller figure glares at him, waiting.

“I'm sorry, Brother Matthias...” The boy says in a tiny voice. Brother Matthias simply turns on his heels, then strides away. The boy imitates his proud stature, complete with hands behind his back. Maybe if he acts just like him, Brother Matthias will forgive him.

Then the boy decides that his game is more important and goes back to playing, happily.

The Priest smiles in his sleep, dreams fading into peace.

The Fawn
A little girl sits in a big, white room. There's a bed, some chairs, some tubes that seem so mysterious. She looks out the open door. Three figures stand there.

One is tall with brown hair shot through with gray. He's wearing a long, white coat and speaking very formally and calmly. At least it seems like it, from what she can hear.
ocean's picture

{Bio} Ceu {Bio}

Name: Ceu
Pronounced: Cee-oo or Sue
Picto: X
How to remember it: Arrow above something
Gender: Female
Age: A younger adult heading towards middle age
Set: Golden butterfly pelt, butterfly antlers, carnival face paint mask
Other appearance: Seems about average
Font: Bright blue (#39B7CD)
S.O: Straight
Status: Single
About Ceu:
-Spacey-completely unaware of other deer, unless they bellow/spell her/run into her
-Chronic memory problem-Once you leave her sight, you are out of her life and never existed to her
-Polite-Feels horrible when she doesn't notice deer and often goes over the top to make up for it; also calls most deer 'sir' or 'miss'.
-Kind and caring/motherly-Hates to see a hurt deer and will begin to take care of it; also enjoys the company of others
-Shy/skittish-Namely because deer don't exist to her until they're about two inches from her; may rear or act surprised when realizing a deer is there
-“Hippie”-Loves nature
-A little lonely-seeing as she lives in a world where she's basically the only deer
-Semi-religious-Worships the Twin Gods, but does not go overboard
-Talkative- Especially if she's excited/worried; this is mostly because she isn't able to talk with other deer that much.

*She is a very free character; her bio is always in progress because she has no 'set' personality and is always developing. Be prepared for traits to appears and disappear.
*Has a special friend, a large grey koi in the pond
*Likes the ruins
*Was born in the endless forest
*Deer appear and disappear from her life very quickly; one minute they're in front of her or she can hear bellowing, the next she has forgotten about them.
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Relentless (Very minor violence)

((To any deer mentioned in here-I don't personally blame anyone for their in-forest actions. I have no ill-will against any of you. Mentioned: Darkweaver, 88, Bastilion, Virgil, Crucible's deer, Mozart, Jessem, Sithrim, Queze [yes, she thinks Queze is a doe] and some deer that I either don't know the names of, or were nameless. Also, about the stag running up to her with Queze, I wasn't totally sure, since my connection had randomly slowed.))

The Fawn

I won't let the Twin Gods win. They send their minions against me, but I've resisted them all. I will topple those idols, free all the deer from this forest. Or at least me. They will topple and I will relish their fall.

These last few days have been mostly a blur, but there's a few things I remember clearly.

I remember that stag who chased me. He didn't give up. He chased me for days, every time he saw me. I could sense him watching me a few times. It seems my senses have become sharper. His intentions seemed friendly, but who knows with stags? I let him get closer today, but not too close. Never too close. He just bowed, though he kept trying to come closer. He backed off when I told him to, though he really was interesting. I wonder why any deer would chase me like that. It was strangely flattering, though I'm sure he didn't intend it to be.

Then there was a fawn. I remember both that stag and that fawn cornered me once. Perhaps they're from the same mold; that fawn chased me down until I finally let it get close. I don't know what it is about me that attracts such attention...I'm almost starting to feel like a charity case.

That day was followed by another filled with fleeing and being pursued. It's all a blur, really. I can't figure out exactly why I run either. From fawns, sure, but stags? Perhaps it's something about their dangerous antlers...
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1.5 week trip-going to be gone

Just in case anybody wonders again. Smiling It's a family trip this time.
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Growing Up

((The Fawn))
I woke up today, aching dully. I walked slowly, trying to get it to go away. It didn't. Instead, I kept wandering, as usual.

My hooves led me to the ruins. A deer was sitting there, dark pelt with bones, brown spiky antlers, and a skull for a face. This was the first thing that made me stay. I watched him for awhile, wondering whether to go closer. I didn't particularly care for stags, after all.

Then I saw him go up to a sleeping stag and begin to eat it.

I should have been scared, but instead this drew me closer. I was sure that the Twin Gods would not want this to happen. And if he was a rebel, perhaps he knew the way to go against the statues. Perhaps he even knew a way out. I approached slowly, less cautious, and greeted him.

He greeted me back, and I nuzzled him. I had found someone to be around, someone that was perhaps a little bit like me. I sat next to him for awhile, until I decided to go to the pond. I said goodbye to him. Strange how I was no longer afraid of pelts and masks like his. I fell asleep by the Crying Idol.

That little pain I had been feeling suddenly blossomed into an all-over ache. When I got up it got even worse. My head was pounding, as always. I was able to get a few feet before I blacked out from the pain, landing ironically by the Twin Gods hill. I only had time to wonder if this was my punishment for going against the statues.

I awoke a little while later. The pain had dulled to a small ache, though it was still all over me. I felt different as I stumbled to the pond. I froze, staring at my reflection.

My pelt was darker, much darker, a chocolate brown. My antlers...my antlers? I had antlers now, covered in the purple flowers that I had found that one day. Now them seemed to have sprung into full bloom though. My eyes and face were outlined in orange, making my eyes look more vacant. I kept staring, then started shaking.
ocean's picture

Dreams and Memories (Some gore)

((This is The Priest's history. Enjoy.))

He is dreaming again. He falls swiftly, darkness closing around him. He can feel the speed as everything whooshes past him. The vertigo is terrible and he closes his eyes.

He hits the ground. Everything stops and goes blank.

“It's been awhile...” comes the murmur. “Too long.” It is the same nightmare he has every night.

He looks up. For some reason, he cannot feel anything. His frail body no longer feels the wind. No longer feels the forest. It is like he is floating. No feeling...? He thinks. But-

“Of course you can't feel anything. Come on.”

He stands. He follows. Then he is alone...Is he? He looks around. Other humans. He smiles and sits. He would not mind staying here...for awhile...
Figures dressed in habits walk into the church. They are solemn, so solemn. He follows them.

They are inside now, praying quietly. The statues are on altars, like he remembers. Candles surround them, the monks chanting. It is true peace. He watches as a boy walks up to them. They stir.

“You're late today, Merivin. Do you have an excuse?” The boy shakes his head at the brother who is staring at him, coldly.

“You need to be more dedicated. You know the legends. All who reside here must be dedicated or each of us shall fall. Perhaps I should just send you home.” The voice is filled with scorn. He looks down at his feet, clothed by sandals. He is only a child, growing rapidly and changing, though he still remains tiny and frail. Church is boring for him. But Brother Matthias is his idol.

Brother Matthias had been the one who he first met. He is a strong, older man with strict gray eyes and hair to match. Brother Matthias had been his first teacher. He admired the respect Brother Matthias commanded and the immense wisdom he held. The little boy had followed him everywhere for days. But...Merivin just could not seem to do anything right. Everything he did was wrong.
ocean's picture


The Priest

I sought quiet company today. I am fully healed in body, but my spirit needs mending. So I sat amongst many quiet deer, all of whom I appreciated the company of. One gray deer by the ruins was particularly good company, quiet and peaceful. We did meet again today. I must say that I am glad to have made your acquaintance, kind deer. Perhaps we shall continue to meet, for it is a pleasure to find those who are quiet.

I am still worried about the fawn I met as well. She seemed so angered over something. Perhaps she was angered at me. I do not know why, though I tried to comfort her. It pains me to see a fawn so enraged. She ran.

“Little fawn?” I called, but she did not stop. I followed her, worried, to the ruins. She proceeded to fight other deer. I worry for her health, though I know now that she wishes me to stay away. For a time I shall. One day I shall approach her again; one day I shall chase whatever demon is within her out of her.

However, while she was fighting in the ruins, I finally discovered a solution to my problem of the Demon. Sitting next to this new acquaintance of mine allowed me to ponder and finally come up with what I should do.

I have decided that we need to talk, Demon.

This fighting has worn us down. It has worn down my mind, made me forget my past. It has made me forget everything important to me in my zealous act of faith. I have betrayed my brothers.

This does not mean that I have given up. I shall not give up, for The Gods do not wish darkness to enter their forest. No. I have simply begun to understand that violence cannot work for me. I cannot win violently. But there are other ways, ways which I shall find. Perhaps I can talk the demon out of you.

Perhaps this hunt can change forms as easily as us deer can.
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Life Continues (Ulh's part has minor violence)

The Priest

I have rested, and I have thought. But I still have no solutions. I must have solutions. This fighting cannot last. I am not built for war. My frail body was never trained in this. This much is certain. So I must think of another way.

But I cannot figure out what that other way could be.

My strength is returning yet again. The Gods still require this task of me, though perhaps not in the way I thought. Perhaps. I have prayed to them, receiving only silence. They want me to continue to think.

So I do. I know the forest must be rid of this evil. I have an inkling that the demon may be connected to a ghost. But that cannot help me. I cannot use a ghost in a battle, can I?

So I continue pondering. I cannot remember when I last slept. Day after day , I ponder. I stand and pace, back and forth, back and forth. There are other ways of combating evil.

Perhaps if I cast the devout pelt, he will burn up. No, that is stupid.

All I find is no, no, no. No way to defeat him, no way to combat him.

Perhaps I could convert him. No.

I pace more. The sounds of the forest are just a backdrop. I pace, pace, pace. I must find a solution soon. I must think of something.


I will have failed my Gods again.

-The Priest

((Subtle hint of past coughcough))

The Fawn

It's strange. Today is sunny. I have never seen a sunny day in the forest. It's always raining or misting.

Maybe I'm getting really, really trapped here. I'm afraid of that. I don't want to be trapped. I want to go home. The stupid idols are keeping me here.

I'm tired of the deer here. They're all oblivious. They make bright flashes come from their horns and then I feel really sick. I wish they'd go away. I really do.
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