kanastigu's blog

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Spell Spam

For tomarrow, friday the 7th, from 10am to 2pm eastern time. please spam this deer. have a blast with it.

click below.
Kana Bio
Kana pelt
kanastigu's picture


for some reason i can't download the forest. when i do its almost like its not downloading the whole program.


i want to be in the forest now that my comp works

and no it isn't the computers fault.
kanastigu's picture


if they made a nintendo ds version of the forest. that you can go online with.
woul anyone else buy it?
i know i would.
kanastigu's picture


so i got a flat tire on the scooter yesterday. rear mind you. so i chain it to a guard rail and walked half a mile to my friends house because he has a truck. and on my there is a small pond along the way surrounded by trees with a burnt down old stone house andd stone wall. while i was walking to said friends house i got hot and tired and my ingured leg was hurting. theres 2 hills to get there. but when i got to this section of the road it was great. i felt great wasnt hurting and i felt like i was actualy in the forest. as we3. was so cool.
kanastigu's picture


can someone send me the zombie spell data. i can never get on when the bzd is on and i won't be able to get on tomarrow because i have to work all day. i have 2 jobs and then i have to go to a halloween party at the bosses house. if anyone wants to email it to me please
i would appriciate it much.
kanastigu's picture

guess what is tomarrows!!

its my birrthday tomarrow. tomarrow. i turn 21 yay. *do a little dance * **music** **get down to night**
kanastigu's picture

kana's store *new items coming soon*

ok so i tried to get put into greenleaf. but didn't work. and i would love to make more. if only people would buy from me. i donate most of the money. and use the rest to ship it.
so anyone want one? please?

ok so here is how it goes.
-they are 15 bucks *us dollers* per deer.
20 out of the us.
-includes **shipping and handling**
-and 3 doller extra for dod antlers. only because they break super easy.
-for chakra stones (colored small gems) add an extra $5. because when i am out of them. its
like 40 buck to buy more.
-and now you can have them in a jar.lol for $5 bucks
-you can have a base or not. your choice.
-snow is free and sand. so let me know.
-all i need is a good picture of your deer.
-paypal account is same as below,
-to request one email me at kanastigu@gmail.com

*deer updates*

to gwen
i will start yours when i am done with the others.

back to we3

pics of one i have done. and pics to come.
quad and 21




sorry the pics are so big and bad
kanastigu's picture


ok first off. yay it is back on. for the last three days i have wanted to post on here. but it was down. so anyways

reetno i finished the scupltur. if you can email me that would be great.

and second. i have enough clay to do one more deer. but unfortunently i have to charge for this one. because i need more clay. lol
right now the price for it is 10 bucks. that covers s&h and new clay. and what ever is left over will be given to the forest.

so if you want one. let me know.
does anyone want one?
oh and is anyone else having problems? i can't post comments.

sorry they aren't that good.

kanastigu's picture

hey reetno guess what

i am almost done! all i have to do is paint the white spots on the mushroom seal the bottom of wakah and sign and seal the bottom of the base! email me if you want it sent to you.
kanastigu's picture

chess board

so like i was watching my friend tony play chess today and i had an awsome idea.and it is only an idea for the moment. it is still in the planning stages.

The endless forest chess board.

but i thought that like the white chess pieces could be the forest things. like the king and queen are the twin statues. and the old oak can be the rooks, frogs being pawns, doves bishops, and squirls being knights.

for the black chess pieces
king micheal
queen aruria (don't know spelling)
bishops reetno and emiva wearing little hats
rooks quamar and kana because they are bulky deer. and they will have rook peiced on thier antlers
knights. im not sure but i think it is going to be darcy and rowan jumping
pawns are going to be fawns. or maybe little versions of other deer.
and all the deer are going to wear necklasses with thier picto on it.

the board is going to be grassy with flowers and logs on it.

BUT like i said it is an idea and in the planing stages.
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