GMSuerte's blog

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[TEFc Library] Spicing up the map


Disclaimer: Both this guide and the map itself are currently a work in progress.

This is an example implementation of the player collection module.

I noticed that the authors of the map don't really have time to update things (the map included) on this site because they have more important things to do. I know this doesn't seem like much, but I put together a new version of the map.

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[TEFc Library] Working with the list of online players (JavaScript)


Note: This guide is incomplete and is mainly for JavaScripters at the moment.

Ever wonder if there's a way to get the list of players currently playing The Endless Forest? There is. If you didn't already know, this is the page. All you have to do is inspect the HTML source and you have a list of players playing the game, where they are, and what they're doing.

If that's all you want, feel free to leave this guide. However, I put together some extra modules that may be of use to you.

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[GMSuerte's TEFc Library] Introducing the Comment Form module (image heavy)


This post will be the first in a series about the modules I wrote that everyone can use. Just hang tight and maybe you can take advantage of these too.

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An attempt to make the default blog layout more fluid

On this post, you can see what happens when the browser window is resized: many items adjust themselves in order to prevent a horizontal overflow as much as possible. Hopefully this translates to a better user experience for users who have smaller screens.

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