faunet's blog

This is truly cruel

You don't have much time
And I'm so afraid
Just when I find you
I discover you will dissapear

My body is frozen in shock
And I have yet to cry
I want to hold you in my arms
And just never let go

They say life's not fair
But this is truly cruel
My love
Why must it be this way

You lay sleeping on my chest
And I pull you closer to me
Your heartbeat
Oh that precious heartbeat that I treasure

What curse is this
That is placed upon us
I move a strand of your hair
So that I may glance once more at you face

I pray to the God above
Don't let this happen
Don't let them take her
I am just one man against many
I'm going to fight
At least die trying

Thats not a true friend

Come again
I didn't hear your words
It didn't last
You say

Well forgive me for not feeling sad
But your the one who stabbed me in the back
I can honestly say I had nothing to do with it
But I won't offer my shoulder to you

That privaledge you lost
If you think were friends
after aadmittedly goinf behind my back
Then you need to think and reflect

Thats not a true friend
I gave you a chance
Even when I thought I shouldn't
That was my mistake
But I won't make the same one twice

I'm sick and tired of this
You stick to me like a leech
And I can't sympathize with you
My heart won't allow it

How can you not understand this
What other game are you trying to play?
Well sorry
I'm tired of this and it's wasting my time
I've moved past it
But you keep dragging me back in
But no more

I would stand by my friends
Gladly if I was needed
But you
I don't consider a friend
And it was your actions that showed
That you were not a true friends

Words are like air
But actions are like cement
Forever engraved in stone

Be not fooled for their is a lioness on the hunt.

The deceit the deception
Your lies
They make my heart turn into ice

For my heart can not burn with passion
For those who so easily lie
For their own selfish greed

Each time I say
I did nothing wrong
Why must you treat me this way
You think I do not notice
But I am no fool
I see right through you

I take it
Day by day I take
Some days are harder than others
And needless to say I bite my tongue
But I get by
Until one day that wall of glass
Shatters into pieces

Then I show that I know the truth
I take a stand
And confront you with all you have done
But you mumble excuses
And never give a reason
Just and excuse

Others now see who you are
And what you have become
My voice is free
And you underestimated me
For at times I can be meek as a mouse
But if you dare to fool me or lie to me
This lioness shall roar

And she will hunt
Not necessarily for revenge
But for the justice she desearves
She stays back
Waiting to pounce
And tear through the lies
With her steal claws
To reveal
Who you really are.

This is no mistake ,you failed the test

My my my
You expect me to believe your lies
That you truly didn't go behind my back?
Don't make me laugh

What you didn't know was that it was a trap
Not just for you but for him as well.
I can only begin to guess
The ways in which you persuaded him.
But I don't play that game

You had no interest in him
Till I came along
Just friends
Once you even dared to say that you didn't like him

I alway suspected that your friendship was never true
And this test
Well you both failed with flying colors
He asked me out twice in fact
But somehow something always came up.
After the last time
It was the next day you two got together.

I sit and laugh
Because it was I who told of our plans
I knew you would try to stop it
To prevent it from happening
The only thing I didn't know was if he would fall for your tricks.

I wasn't born yesterday
And I can see the schemes you plot
It's as easy as looking at your face.
However I'm glad you two are together.

For if he can be persuaded by your ways
By all means take him
He isn't worth my time.

You failed the test and lost a friend
He failed the test and lost what he will never have
I gave you both the benefit of the doubt
And now
I've seen who you truly are
There is no mistake

Back behind these walls

I opened my heart
Without even knowing if your feeling were true
We shared laughs
And talked each day
You even invited me to the movies

But that never happened
I understand that last week was the holiday
But after that Thursday
I never heard from you

You even said youd text me
But you didn't keep your word
Unknowingly you have hurt me
For perhaps I misinterpreted your intentions
Tis not your fault you never knew
We never spoke of them

Once I tried to communicate
But still there is no response
Was it something I said
For if it was you gave no hint
This is what I've dreaded
You have no idea

I opened my heart
And let you inside
I shouldn't have
Withut you first saying you felt more
I feel foolish

I'm retreating back behind these walls of mine
If this is all a misunderstanding
Can you catch me in time
I don't know how you feel
And I dare not even guess

But if there is a chance make haste
I'll be watching the stars
And beyond them I see mars
I can not stay long
For the longer I stay the more my heart will ache
Will you come in time
Or do you want to even come at all.

These shackles bind me to the shadows

I very rarely say hello
And almost never say goodbye
I stay hidden in the shadows
Perhaps there I shall always stay

Tis not out of fear
Or of an anitsocial personality
Its more so my reality

My voice you can surely hear
But it is my face that you shall never see
Am I ugly
No but then to call myself beautiful
Would be rather vain

Tis not because of features
That I submit in this black world
If you hear me walking
Very closely you'll have to listen
To the clinking of chains
That bind my legs

I live in darkness
But crave the light
This cruel enslavement never ends
I am but a poor girl to some
But in the past I was not so

Because of rejection and bitterness
Were these shackels placed around my feet.
Because my heart belonged to another
He made me week
To try to break my soul

My best friend
You have turned into a monster
A powerful king you are
But your downfall will be your greed
You couldn't leave me in peace

Oh how revenge transforms a man
You had a gentle disposition
But now I only see sadness in your eyes
Only for a moment do I see it
Before you strike my face

You ask me day after day
If I have changed my mind
I give you my answer
And the sting of the slap rings clear
Your eyes are wild
With rage

You keep me in this prison
Away from others
For if they saw what's you've done
Then they would all see the monster you have become

Here in this prison
Always in darkness
Binded by shacles
But I have done no crime

Foolish girl

This empitness I feel
Is nagging at my soul
I keep reaching for the phone
Waiting for your call

I'm anxious
And most of all impatient
But hours pass
And I begin to wonder
Are you really just busy
Or was I merely something to pass the time

For each day we normally talk
For weeks that has not been interupted
Until now
My heart is saddened
And I can barely grasp the reason why

The night I wrestle in my sleep
And when morning dawns
I check once more
And still there is nothing

At this point I'm confused
I feel like turning off my phone
Or perhaps throughing it against the wall

I expected too much from you
Which was what I was origially afraid of
Must my heart always be so foolish
I feel the walls ascending
The ones that you broke down

Foolish little girl
With but a simple crush
Your giddy with excitement
You feel something in your heart
That tells you wonderful secrets

But in the back of your mind you say your just friends
Its a haunting thought
That soberly brings you back to reality
Such events as this
Surely are proof of it

Foolish girl you wanted more
And for a moment you thought he felt the same
Foolish girl
Your all alone
Foolish girl
You put your heart on the table
And risked it all
Only to pay the price
Foolish girl
love is always a gamble

A crush

On our first introduction
I must admit
I did dismiss
But fate seemed to be on your side

Showing up at the opportune time
Your kindness and your gentlemenly manner
Has me blushing
For me it's bittersweet
For my heart is fragile
The one before you did not handle it so carefully.

We are friends but in the end
I can't help but feel that we are more that that.
Perhaps I am mistaken
I often reprimand myself with these thoughts.
But why do I feel a pang in my chest
Whenever I do so.

I'm not saying I'm in love
For we met only months ago
It would be foolish to even think so
However I am smitten
I look forward to seeing you
To seeing you smile
And to hear your laugh.

A crush perhaps
But do you feel the same
I dare not ask
For our friendship is nor worth the risk
If you do feel the same
You will have to make the move
For I"m afraid
And my heart can not bare the pain.

To you Jareth

Your warm smile
Your tender embrace
Can never be replaced

A gentle heart
So pure
And full of grace

Your mask is just a facade
Behind those sparkles
Is a man
A man who has endured so much
And has received so little

My own heart aches
just at the thought of your pain
Those who have made you fell that way
Makes my blood churn in anger.

Such strong feeling for those of only a mere friend
How but how I wish these feelings I have for you
Could be returned
By your side I shall stay
Worry not about me

Goblin King
Such powers you possess
Such kindness you show
Goblin King
I dance only for you
Goblin King
Forever in my heart you shall stay
You are a great king
I shall remain loyal to you
Till my departing day

Non tef

Well my life,from the perspective of about two weeks ago has turned a 180 on me.
As some of you know dance has always been what I have done. However I decided to not go back my senior year.

This has been the particular reason why havn't been here in the past couple of days. In particular,this is where my last poems inspiration came from.All I can say about the situation was that I was going to do was going to be extremely overwhelming and I would not be preppared to make all the preparations for me going to a college next fall.There was some drama in the studio not necessarily inflicted torwards me,but there seems to be some lingereing negative energy there.And for what I've learned so far in my life is that energy does affect you in many ways.

For me there is also the part that the same foot I broke has been hurting in a different area.The studio also has moved and has a support beam in the middle of the floor which they have not padded which is dangerous.

I have decided to study and keep up my grades take the sat a couple of times,and have a fun /somewhat relaxing time my senior year.Spend time with my mom and travel with her.Obviously this has taken a toll on my parents and me.The night before I was supossed to go back I did not sleep the whole night.

There is no doubt that I will miss dance and I will always love it but for my senior year since it is not the career I want to pusue .

Well that's whats been going on any love or comments would be appreciated.
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