Emiva's blog

Emiva's picture


Join us for THE ENDLESS FOREST FUNERAL for Angela Jury today.

Anybody can attend, and I would really appreciate it if some people would. Angela Jury would have loved endless forest, and her family misses her so so terribly much...
We will begin at abruptly that time, so be ready. We will start out at the CRYING IDOL. Please turn yourself Red, in honor of Angela's favorite color.

When it is time, I will stand up and bow down to you, and wait for a couple of seconds to let you know to get up as well. When we are to leave, I will begin to walk to the RUINS, and then break out into a run. We will arrive at the Ruins Graveyard where we will sit for 10 minutes. After that, I will bow down to signal that the funeral is over.

Thank you to all who attends... It really means a lot to me, and her family.

Emiva's picture

Emiva Bio

Currently: On the rock in the ruins, sitting.
Thinking: Of how much better it would be if.... was still alive.....
Pelt: Gazelle, stubby antlers, deer mask
Emiva's picture

Emiva's Bio

Updated bio of emiva.

Current Mood: A little happier
Being played right now? Yes
Set right now: White pelt (one with black and red markings), stubby doe antlers, Tribal mask
Current Form: Doe
Current Location: On the rock in the ruins, overlooking the forest and the frolicking fawns.
Currently: Sitting with her mate, Gasty-kins. <3

Emiva instantly felt better when her mate came around to her while she was sitting by the pond. They made their pelts look alike, with some laughs while doing so, and she is feeling much better.
Emiva's picture

I have never done this before but....

Here is the bio of Emiva, my one and only (and will always be only) doe. I have never made one of thses bio things... hopefully I have done this right.

Current Mood: sad...depressed
Being played right now? Yes
Set: Gazelle set, with stubby doe antlers and normal deer mask
Current Form: Doe
Current Location: By the cold waters of the pond
Currently: Sitting alone by herself.

But she likes it that way. When lots of deer go to sit with her, she feels bad because she knows she is taking up the other deer's time, while it could be doing fun things like spell spamming, dancing with its friends, and other happy things. Thats why she will get up and move somewhere else. (sorry to anyone who had their feelings hurt)

But hopefully soon Emiva will get over this... state.
Emiva's picture

Oh My goodness....?

Did anybody besides me notice the pond.... turning different colors? I was there when it started... sitting by the edge my myself... when this sudden shape of a frog kept twitching back and fourth, and getting bigger and bigger, and suddenly it filled the whole pond. Odd odd odd! And then it went back to normal, and then it started up again.......?
Emiva's picture

Thank you

Emiva just wanted to say thank you to all those deer who sat with her in the cold, grey, forest today. She knows she will always have her second family to go to escape to when she's feeling really depressed. Thanks guys : )
Emiva's picture


EMIVA'S BACK FROM FRANCE! I missed the ABI, I'm so sad Sad What happended?
Emiva's picture


EMIVA'S BACK FROM FRANCE! I missed the ABI, I'm so sad Sad What happended?
Emiva's picture


Emiva has lost her pelt!! Its just 5 hours before I board my plane, so I'm really jittery. Can someone please help her get it back before its to late? (Du-duh-duhhhhh)

And yes she fell in the lake again if thats what you were asking >___<
Emiva's picture

Goodbye :(

Emiva is going to paris for vacation! She is so excited!
We'll be gone from the 7th to the 17th
Salut, my deer friends!!!

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