Anjali's Chubby "Chibi" Deer

Anjali's picture
This is what happens when I let myself doodle. I am overrun with goofy figures, this time of Anjali and deer he has met!
(Warning: You may be here). Smiling

They are (from left to right, in rows): Ravus, Anjali, Doe (and mushroom), Dinamo (and butterfly), Ginger Ray, Zena, Tikwid, Vasska, Maesio, Krystal, and a dozing Quad.
Extra small ones are mini-deer.

I plan to do more of these, so you have been warned. Sticking out tongue
Kaoori's picture

aaahhh These are adorable!

aaahhh These are adorable! Smiling
jamaesi's picture

OMG! These are just too

OMG! These are just too cute. Smiling

Thank you. <3 This is actually what Maesio looks like, she's a chubby little Bawean/Eld's deer.

(PS- Can I use chibi Maesio as my avatar on here?)

Fat little Maesio.. fat..

Fat little Maesio.. fat.. little.. Maesio.. FAT.. LITTLE.. *eyetwitch* MAESIO.. *explodes from blood sugar levels skyrocketing from the adorableness*
shamiya's picture

These are too cute.

These are too cute.
trigger_mortis's picture

*dies from cute overload*

*dies from cute overload*

Too sweet! I love how squishable they all seem! 8D

You've made each one so unique too, just fantastic!
Flyleaf's picture

OMG ; How cuuute They are

OMG ; How cuuute Exclaim They are all adorable Laughing out loud
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
quadraptor's picture

Ah! I'm dying from the

Ah! I'm dying from the cuteness!!

Thank you X3 *Pokes Quad's tummy* XDD
Anjali's picture

I'm glad you all like them.

Laughing out loud I'm glad you all like them.

Kaoori: Aren't they? :3

jamaesi: Of course! I'm honored that you'd want to use it as your avatar. ♥

FishBiscuit: Sorry about that! *runs from explosion*

shamiya: Thank you!

Trigger: They do seem squishable, now that you mention it! Making each one unique is the fun part.

flyleaf: lol, thank you!

Quad: You're welcome. C:
arya12's picture

best thing ever you must be a

best thing ever you must be a professinal!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!!!!
Avatar by OrinocoFlow
Anjali's picture

Hah, yes. "Professional"

Hah, yes. "Professional" doodle-bug. Smiling <3
Rihame's picture

very nice! Your coloring

very nice! Your coloring potential is very cool
Anjali's picture

Thank you! I was going to

Thank you! I was going to include Rihame, but I ran out of space. Next time, I'll get him. ^^

aw, these are painfully cute

aw, these are painfully cute *-*

Aww! My puter won't cooperate

Aww! My puter won't cooperate and show them! DX do you have links to them?? They sound adorable and I'm preparing myself to see thm! XD *puts armor on*
Anjali's picture

Kittyo8: I know! *_* Pepper:

Kittyo8: I know! *_*

Pepper: That's strange. Try this.
jamaesi's picture

I has an avatar!

I has an avatar! Laughing out loud

oh i c it now and .... HOLY

oh i c it now and .... HOLY CRAP THAT'S CUTE! XDD Hehe Ray and Zena are snickering at themselves ^^ SOOOOO adorable Anjali! XD
Rowowna's picture

Aaaahhhh!!!! This is so

Aaaahhhh!!!! This is so cuuute!!!

I want to pick them all up

I want to pick them all up and cuddle them. THEY'RE SO ADORABLE!
Krystal's picture

This. is. precious.

This. is. precious. Sad
Anjali's picture

Heee, thanks everyone!

Heee, thanks everyone! *nuzzles* TwT



KJSFHLKJSFHD. The Dinamo one is just so. Fuufufuffuffuuuu. ♥

Omfg. She looks so fluffy, cuddly, chubby fat. <3
Anjali's picture

I was wondering if you had

I was wondering if you had seen this! Yes. Drawing chubby deer is fun. x3

Fuu, and its so adorable too.

Fuu, and its so adorable too. ♥

i only just saw this... but i

i only just saw this... but i love it! they're all so cute!
Anjali's picture

Thank you! Glad you got to

Thank you! Glad you got to see it. ^^