paint me crimson

Keyblade's picture

The Painted, Mutt
size | around 24 mentally | Identity | Male
basically his anthem

favorite manipulated child of a particular cult, does their bidding
extremely sexist towards his own gender, raised with those values
abandoned by his tribe as a child because of his connection to dark magik
tattooed by the cult as a status symbol, receives more for jobs well done

quiet, brooding, intelligent but naïve, respectful(towards females), more...

| 20/01/18 |

"Can you justify bad actions with good reasoning?"

Arrived in the forest in the morning to clear his head after a terrible night. Settled beside the river to nap and awoke to someone sitting beside him, Ishwari. Said a brief hello before letting silence fall. Quiet company is best company.
After she left, rose and moved to a tree near the Pond to nap once again. Awoke to yet another someone watching him, Cirne. Silent dip of his head and moved to soak himself in the Pond. Gotta wash these filthy memories away Later, Moloch came and briefly dismissed himself to go hunt. Caught himself a rabbit and moved back to where Mo sat, though a couple body lengths away. Cannot offend my only friend
After finishing his bun bun, went to curl up by Mo and talk about some stuff. Feeling better???

I promise to flesh this out more tomorrow, just wanted to get this thrown up with his beautiful new art by Becca ♥



yes ♥

yes ♥

Sig: Aihnna

Silverfang's picture




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Woah! C:

Woah! C:
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