Holiday snap! XD

Lyeekha's picture
Us on holiday last week, and with D!M because Lizardy was there too.

Drawn in the tent alternately by torchlight and candlelight! 8D
Liëka being peaceful for once in her life, FIU sunbathing in the shade of her ostrichfeather fan (I had to do her in the car, you can tell by her weird face >.<), the megaloceros (otherwise known as an Irish elk) looking all confused by this whole -sand- business (never got this on the Plains!), Mourner not present as the seaside isn't really his thing, but his daemon there as a token effort, Troll asleep happily in a rock pool (salt water is more soothing and good for the skin), D!M very happy that he's made a little feathery friend, and Hunter.... appears to have found one of the secret fawns... eh, we'll let that one pass.

(Nobody mention the absense of sea, please! XD)