tamburro's blog

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Logn time no see, eh?

Geez, it's been ages since I've been on here. ;3;

I'm wondering if we can get the zombie/DOTD pelts yet? If at all? I'd love the crying mask (lulz, complete change of pace) and DoTD pelt, if we can and anyone sees me. xP

Other than that, I may update my deers later. ^_^ Good to be back, I suppose.
Burro's picture

Attreu and Mute: A Short Story

A very BAD short story. XD Because I have no attention span for them and was only killing time while the new TEF version downloaded...

Birds sing contentedly in the high branches of the Endless Forest, sunlight streaming from above in lazy ribbons of warmth. Butterflies meander through the flower patches, touching down on the delicate petals with an angel’s soft caress. Nothing stirred, everything harmonizing with the forest so perfectly it was hard to imagine anything diff—

A loud crash and a blur of movement shatter the peaceful scene, a large gray stag bounding through the flower patch with a tiny fawn in pursuit. Both appeared to be having great fun, the large stag bellowing his amusement in a mighty roar. The midnight-blue fawn tries to mimic her mentor, but only manages a tiny squeak; even without her mask, the small thing had great trouble emitting sounds like the rest of the deer. She skids to a stop near the old ruins, rearing back in delight and emitting another pathetic mew.

The older deer skids to a halt as well, turning his great head and grinning in amusement. He was obviously quite old, the scores of prongs on his antlers and vaguely shaggy appearance betraying his age; nevertheless, his old eyes shone with an inner light, full of fun and mischief to rival any young fawn in the forest.

The young fawn tilts her head and paws at a large stone block, nodding her head and pawing at it again. The stag stamps his hoof and calls out in a slightly hoarse moo, hopping to the top of a large block and striking a pose. The small doe laughs and follows suite, mimicking the older deer’s pose as close as she possibly could. The older shakes his head and tries a new pose, lowering his head and glowering in mock-anger. Almost immediately the fawn does the same, adding a fierce squeak that causes the older to cower in fear. Laughter from both parties ensues, and the game continues for what seems like hours.
Burro's picture

Attreu's Little Sister. o:

Introducing Mute, Attreu's very shy little sister! If you see her, say hello--but don't be surprised if she's afraid of you at first. ^^

Name: Mute

Meaning: She can't speak/moo. ;3; Unless I accidentally hit the button.

Gender: Doe

Age: Adolescent

Pictogram: http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/register/pictogram.php?usernam...

How to remember it: Err... Really, I don't know. ^^; A 4 on top of a bullet?

Friends: None

Mate: none

Mute is a very timid doe; she gets rather frightened if there are too many deer around, and will flee in terror if too many approach. She can't make verbal noises, and so often taps the ground or rears on her hind legs if she needs to get attention, sometimes running in circles like her brother if she knows and trusts the deer she's with.
Often she looks sad, roaming or sulking when no one else is around. She may not necessarily feel bad, but when she's deep in thought she can come across as very morose.

She's still a fawn, and the only thing I know for certain is she'll have the midnight-blue pelt and smallish antlers. xD Any suggestions/spell-spamming will determine the rest.

-Pine cones
-Giant Mushrooms
- Long walks through the forest or near the ruins.
- Resting near the pond or other area.

- She abhors large crowds, and will avoid them whenever possible.
- She also doesn't like overly persistent/obnoxious deer; she'll run away from you at first, but if you tick her off too badly she may sick her brother on you.

Location: She's usually by the crying idol or the twin god's statues.
Burro's picture

Attreu-Spam: Fun with Close-Ups

I was practicing close-ups today, near the playground and ruins. => If you see yourself, tell me!

First up, a picture of Anzel. O: Woots! I recognized someone!

And then a deer I didn't recognize. o3o;

This one was actually my first. Pity he didn't do much. ^^;

And then I got bored with that, as per usual, annoyed a few folks, danced a bit, ran around like some loon, and then decided to log off. c:
Burro's picture

I has a mushroom~ ^3^


=.D So I logged in this morning to discover not only rain, but MUSHROOMS! Giant mushrooms the size of trees! One could not believe the minutes of amusement I had trying to get on top of them!

But, alas, my short attention span soon caused me to lose interest.
I ran around and was a general nuisance for awhile; couldn't get any screenshots, since my 'P' button doesn't work and photoshop makes TEF lag, but I'm sure some of you might remember me. x3

I logged back on later to discover my antlers and mask were missing. o_O Switching out the spell data didn't do anything, so I set out to find someone kind enough to help me.

I didn't find someone at first, but I did find someone's lost antler. o_o;

Eventually I did convince Guilt to help me get my antlers back, and an unknown deer to help with my mask. Thanks you guys! ^_^
Burro's picture

So... Close...

<-- Current
<-- Goal

Is the sightless mask a halloween-only thing, or can you get it any time? o_O Cause I swear I got it once, but after twenty minutes of mask-spamming it still didn't show up. XD So I'm wondering if I'll have to remain incomplete until then or not...
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Attreu's Bio Updated

Name : Attreu

Meaning : I don't think there is one... Inspired from the movie the Never Ending Story. :B

Gender : Stag

Birthday : March 24, 2008.

Picto : http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/register/pictogram.php?usernam...

How to Remember : Looks like an A with the first part becoming an arrow.

Bio : Attreu was always sort of awkward, socially. He had little trouble approaching new deer and even saying hello, but his easily-distracted ways made him a very challenging companion to keep up with. Beyond that, his fawnhood was a very uneventful one.

Personality : He's very outgoing, and loves the opportunity to spell-spam people. ;D He's also fairly attention deficit, so if you are interacting with him and he sort of just runs off, don't be offended. Doesn't always think before acting, but is usually quick to apologize.

Appearance : When not in a spell-fest, he's usually in a grey pelt with reindeer antlers and the red old-man's mask.

Location : Anywhere, but is usually seen near the pond or around the ruins. My computer doesn't like the birch forest, so he may not hang around there much.

Behaviour : If he thinks you won't be offended, chances are Attreu will spell-spam you. xD He'll only do this once or twice, however, unless you make it known to continue (he does keep his manners in mind). Beyond that he loves to dance, run around festively and chase unsuspecting people he sees running by. He may or may not say "hello" to them, depending on how distracted he gets or if he knows them. c:
Burro's picture

Stag Day for Atreu!

Hooray, Ateu is now a beautiful red stag!

Sorry I don't have any pictures. ^^; My laptop doesn't like me today.
But anyway, he's now adult, red, and in desperate need of a decent fur color. XD So if you ever see him romping around being a doofus, go ahead and spam him with pelts! Or masks, they're good too. ;D I promise I won't get mad, and neither will he.
Burro's picture

Newb. :B

Yeah, I've actually had this downloaded for... a week? Two weeks? Before I got around to creating an account. xD Haha.
And now I'm new here. B) Like... officially. o_O

I must say this game is very cool. I love the concept, and I can't wait to see what else is in store later on. x3
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