Emiva's blog

Emiva's picture


TEF is back!! <3333 And I lost no diaries in the process!! Thank you Michael!! <33
Emiva's picture


Emiva's picture


After a length of time away from endless forest, a break I suppose, I am ready to come back. I hope to be on as much as I did before, once a day at the least <3 Endless forest is my second home, and I LOVE YOU ALL. So yes. I will be updating bios, and updates, and everything. And I hope to meet all of you newcomers too.... c: <3



Emiva's picture


Emiva loves you. c:
And Emiva will make an effort to come back to the site..
You too, Gweneth. c: <3

And all of Emiva's friends <333

Just wanted to share that with everyone? X3
I know I've made promises and haven't kept them...

But I've learned something.

And that is to never give up on those you once depended dearly on... Because they will remain a part of you forever.

Emiva's picture

Hey c:

Just wanted to stop by and say hello. cx Anything new? I haven't been going on lately, but I think its good for my health, not going on the computer 24/7. I'm doing great, and of course I'll be here for the ABIOS!!! C:

But tell me.... has Isis been back? Or Thsai?
Emiva's picture


I don't come on here much anymore, but even if I do it's by accident or to see if anybody I know is on yadda yadda, but LOOK WHAT JUST CAME IN ZE MAIL!!! <3 <3 <3
Holy crap sorry they're so huge!!

Emiva's picture

becoming a memory...

whisking away,
beyond the white mountains of purity,
and the crying leaves of the tallest oaks,
lies a single heart,
forgotten and lost
a single lonely memory
that only few will ever remember.

Good bye.
Emiva's picture


... ;______;
Emiva's picture

I can't leave you now

If Endless Forest does start wearing off...
Then I won't let it. C:
And I'm up to the challenge too.
-hugs everyone-
I love you.
Emiva's picture


.... Why haven't you been talking to me lately?...
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