blmunson's blog

What's up y'all

Hi, i just wanted to say hello and i was wondering, is there a way to make your deer be named an accuall name, if not, its all COOL! Well i had the halloween pelt and antlers and they gone now?Question? please comment and help.... THX!!

Who is this lovely avatar???

please help me on uploading a pic from screenshots, i really want to mention this avatar, she ( i think its female) is great to be around. thx!Exclaim!!!

Creating a herd

I was just wondering if it would be cool to have herds, if u will please comment your ideas. I was observing the way others play, i think it is amazing that many ppl do many different things, ANYWHO! thx!

I'm not trying to flood..... the page, plz dont be rude.

Redface Eye Laughing out loud Ooh Sad lots of facies! lol, random, anyway..... this is a story i made up....

there once was a deer... and two talking stones... the deer worked for these stones, and the stones repaid him, with one "White Wish" an important thing, he needed, in order to feed and care for his family, so he used his wish carefully, after he used up the wish he went to sleep......

if you want to hear the rest, plz comment.... i dont want to do the rest if no one cares, lol, im lazy, heh, oh well, COMMENT PLEASE!

A deers daily do's

my Deer's daily bacis........ sleeps, gets up, goes to the 2 stones and bows to then, turns devout pelt, runs to water and drinks, then devout pelt comes off..... messes with other deers, sleeps, yep, plz comment, maybe tell me your deers daily bacis!Exclaim!! PLEASE COMMENT! hehe

i love endless forest, i love deers, i love huge racks.....

lol, i was bored, plz comment saying anything you want, lol

how to get that huge rack!?

how to be grey woth reddish and white.....

how do you be grey with wounds, it looks like wounds anyway.....

how to get candals on rack?

how can i get candals on my rack/horns

how to be small?

not how to be a fawn, just how to be smaller than normal? plz help!
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