Bellie's blog

Bellie's picture

New deer! 8D

Now GhostScreamer is miiineee. Smiling After my sister stopt playing on her, she gave ghost to me. Cool Cya in forest!! :3
Bellie's picture

~ Bye bye, screenies! :( ~

Well, I deleted almost every screenshot cause my computer is soooooo slow.. And my screenies did take alot of place.. but, i have some left from abio, fawndays, Seele and Quamar. Its not all of it, but half. 8]
Now I will take new pics xD
Bellie's picture


Today I have created a new doe fawn - Sidine. :]
I will wait to log in to her a little bit. *Waits to grow big* or something. xD

~ Bellie <3
Bellie's picture

~ Bellies "Styled" biography card ~

I just got this idea. 8D
Bellie's picture

~ Bellies biography ~

Name: Colibrie

D.O.B: Unknown, do not remember.

Pictogram: coming 8D

How to Remember my picto: I see it like a W. 8D

Gender: Doe

Mate: None, but she have a crush. :''3

Description: Colibrie is a zombiedoe. Her name sounds too cute for that, but in her life back in time was she a happy deer that named Colibrie. She is not evil, but she is a worried soul. She cant really stand still for a sec, she just need to run around and around, and hopes that she finds her child and her family. She dont know that they are dead. She can be whiny sometimes, but that just because she is worried. She is pretty brave, and she loves small fawns. She likes to follow souls and those with zombiepelts, its because she feels home. They are like her! She likes when it is spooky and dark,dark. When it is dark, she is feeling a littlebit evil, but she would never attack someone. She want to start a new life with someone like her.. And maybe she can be happy again?

Friends: not many, but she hopes that someone likes her.. =)

Location: all the spooky places you can find. Like the ruins and the old oak.

Appearance: zombiepelt/skeletonpelt, skullmask/crying blood mask and some kind of doe antlers.

Likes: Spooky and dark places

Dislike: Deers that likes to fight fawns. [She is always protecting them]

Name: Bellie

D.O.B: May 5th


How to Remember my picto: I think it looks like a house. Cool

Gender: Doe

Mate: None, but she have a crush. :''3

Description: Bellie is a positive doe, that likes to play. If she dont sleep, she is almost running around all the time, and she gets SOOOOO bored if she dont find a friend to play with. She also loves to play with fawns, and make them feel welcome.
Bellie's picture

Bellie, The little doe fawn with attitude. [UPDATEED!!!]

Pss, this day has been sooo boring, so I decided to make a portrait of Bellie when she was a fawn. "The little doe fawn with attitude."
I did pictures on my other deer halloween to, but I am uploading it later. 8D

Bellie ~ The little doe fawn with attitude.

Mwahahha, I really happy for this picture. ^^
Hope u guys like it aswell!! Laughing out loud

*Mee loves draaawwwww*

I did a color version of the picture in PS! (Photoshop)

Bellie's picture

That pelt?

On abio party yesterday, the half was having a black pelt on, and i love it. I wonder if someone have it in a spelldata, so i can have it? or, is that pelt just there for a few minutes like the white pelt?

And by the way, when i am dancing, it sounds like yesterday when abio would coming, i just wonder why it sound so. A melody more, not that melody it supposed to be.. xD Whats going on? 8D
~ Bellie
Bellie's picture

IRL painted..

Here is a IRL painted deer. Well, the scanner didnt' like that I used watercolor, so the light is wieeeerdddddd! :S
Hope you like it anyway.. ^^

Love Bellie
Bellie's picture

Screenies from abio!

Here is some screenies from the abioparty! WARNING, ALOT OF PICTURES! 8D

Here is a picture when I just came in. Smiling

...and it started raining cages!! 8D

Here is the abios "home".. now the party is near the end..

...And the end... Sad

...But! It was continue for a few minutes! Laughing out loud

And suddenly the abios home started to burn!! ;O

Oh, noooo!!! we are surrounded by fire! Shocked

But the gods saved us, and started a disco. Smiling

Look at the beautiful purple flowers! ;D

Everbody that was there, was very happy!

Long live the Twin gods!

Bellie love bubbles! <3

And suddenly the flowers was long as Bellies legs!!! Shocked

Many spells!

And it started to thunder! :'O

And after that the party was over.. But I met a very, very kind deer. Smiling

I did take a long walk with that deer.. Smiling
And I wonder who it was! Shocked

Yeaah, that was my screenies from the abio party. ^^

Bellie's picture



i have screenshots Laughing out loud
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