anubus's blog

anubus's picture

anubus' bio

name: anubus

gender: stag

D.O.B: 5th of March

Mate: none, the right doe hasnt come along

Personality: A very quiet deer with a fear of other stags beacuse they fight him. Anubus likes to run alot but runs into alot of things he thinks he is fast but isnt really.Is very protective and when he love someone he will protect her with his life and will fight any stag that comes near her.

Locations: anubus has no set location because he likes to roam around.

Appearance: a large stag with a no mask,large antlers, and a brown pelt

-likes doe alot and does what ever he can to impress them
-hates other stags will stay as far way as possable
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